An integrated practice…
This is my new website…it went live in October to open a solo show INplay at Gracefield Arts Centre (see separate blog) but it was not a full representation of me. It was more a representation of the visual artist; the things I create.
So I have done some work and am launching it again, in a hope to represent, more fully, my artistic practice and all its parts.
My artistic practice is both the studio based making of work and an approach that I bring into other parts of what I do; projects, collaboration, spaces for thought and conversation. It underpins my choices and my way of thinking.
The work I create is a huge part of this, I love technique, observational response and making, building skills to make and help others to do the same. There is a freedom in the playfulness that can come in the pure creation of a thing. These things are a physical outcome of 'creative process', sometimes conscious but often responsive, reactionary, unconscious; at their best (in my opinion) an intuitive use of technique learned. I have a need to make and a growing need to explore this with others.
Creative process; the journey, thought processes, skills and environment needed to make these things. The many skills a disciplined approach to this can grow; the practiced ability to pull a part and develop an idea (thought), to visualise with a freedom of imagination and a confidence in the process of creation without a pre-defined outcome (or agenda). To embrace in the risks, to see the things that don’t work as part of the things that do. To imagine and lay a pathway to create something out of a collection of things that is unexpected. To imagine with freedom and confidence.
This may seem idealistic, intangible, but it is creative thinking (and the mechanisms of creative process) that allow us to adapt and react to our surroundings, lead to problem solving and innovation. Something that in my practice I hope to better understand, share and advocate.