Creative Producer / Artist
A solo show: I just wanted to fill a space with paintings! And explore the theme of “in play”, "in play" in my life, in my practice?
A series of drawings and paintings developed for The Gracefield Arts Centre and based on a love of the freedom in children's drawings
.in action or operation
.an activity for enjoyment
.to engage without proper seriousness or understanding
.to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
INplay…a dance between serious contemplation and abandoned enjoyment.
What began as an exploration of elements currently in play in my practice (and influential surroundings), became a rediscovery of the activity of play in my process. The importance of play in our learning and practical approach, our process of creation. It became a sharpening of tools.
Solo exhibition at Gracefield Arts Centre Oct 6th - Nov 18th 2017
Exhibited at Thomas Tosh for Spring Fling 2018